Saturday, October 5, 2024



Welcome to the yard! 
Rob and I were on vacation the week of his birthday a couple weeks ago. It was mostly a stay-cation, though we did spend one night away, which I will eventually blog about.  

When I think back about our week off, it's easy for me to tell you what our favorite part of our vacation was, having morning coffee on the deck with the critters. It almost makes me laugh, because if you would of told me thirty years ago that I was going to find such a simple act so enjoyable, I would of told you, you were crazy. It's interesting to me, how we choose to spend our valuable time changes as we grow older. But, here we are, pass me a hot cup of coffee and some peanuts for our backyard critters and I'm happy.

One of our many backyard squirrels, this one is quite comfortable with us.

This is one of the Blue Jays favourite spots to get peanuts.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the critter feeding picnic table!
We are on vacation again in a couple weeks, and are looking forward to our leisurely coffees on the deck with the critters once again, though we may have to put on some thicker clothes.

Friday, August 30, 2024



Giant Swallowtail at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Recovering from a major surgery isn't all rest and pain medication. Eating healthy, washing, getting dressed everyday and walking a bit more weekly, all played a part. Surgeon approved little road trips with a girlfriend also played a huge part in my recovery last summer, as they were spirit lifting.

I always enjoy my visits to Springridge Farm.
My first road trip was just shy of a month after surgery and was to a favorite place to visit, Springridge Farm. We went in the late morning and had lunch there and came home with lots of goodies.

The Caesar was my drink of choice last summer.

Our second road trip was in July and a little further away. We went to Sutton, Ontario to take in the Purple Turtle Art Festival. We had lunch at The Boondocks Eatery. It was here that I had my favourite drink of all last summer, the Dill Pickle Caesar! I had a few Caesars last summer, one at every restaurant I visited, but this was the winner by far. I need to get there for another one.
Little frog friend at The Royal Botanical Gardens.
Later that month we visited the RBG and had lunch at a favorite restaurant out that way, Harpers Landing. It was Pat's first time there. I haven't been there yet this summer, I must make a point of going while it's still patio season.
We shared the delicious food and enjoyed the Bullet Proof Lemonade.

Shopping in Elora, Ontario.
Our August road trip was to Elora, Ontario. I had been wanting to visit the lavender shops. We did a bit of shopping. I purchased lots of lavender products and a gnome for the backyard. We had lunch at The Cellar Pub and Grill which is right on the river. We also had an ice-cream before heading home. It was a lovely day.

Lunch and scenery in Elora.
Grateful for my friend, Pat, for taking me on these road trips last summer while I recovered.  

Friday, August 2, 2024


Vodka Martini, extra dirty with 3 olives, perfection!

Back in 2022 friends introduced us to a lovely restaurant called Cascata Bistro in Carlisle, Ontario. It was one of their favorite places for a meal, and quickly became one of ours. It became our “go to” when out that way.


Over the last couple years, we have visited many times, and have introduced other friends to the delicious food and relaxed atmosphere. Our most recent visit was the end of June and we were saddened to learn that the owner had sold the building and the restaurant would be closing.

First time there I couldn't decide between pizza or wings, so I got both! Rob had a burger.

The Cascata business will carry on with catering and private dining experiences, but I will miss the lovely patio where we enjoyed many wonderful meals with friends.


If you have the opportunity, I highly suggest a meal there before they close after Labour Day Weekend. We hope to get there one more time before they do.

Martini anyone?

Last visit, I enjoyed mussels and fish and chips. Rob had pizza. 

Thanks for introducing us to this fabulous restaurant Lara and Lisa!