Adorable Easter Cupcakes for dessert on Good Friday. |
I am behind on my blogging, but wanted to blog about our weekend while it was still fresh in my mind. It was the most enjoyable weekend we've had in a while, and was the perfect mix of family, friends, nature and time spent at home.
Good Friday we went to my Cousin Andi's for dinner. We hadn't had a visit since Family Day, so it was nice to catch up with her and Dave. We enjoyed a meal of ham, potatoes and vegetables.
Saturday morning had us up and out of the house by 9am, as reports of the first warblers arriving by Dave the day before had us visiting one of his favorite spots. Golden and Ruby-crowned Kinglets were in abundance. I enjoyed just standing still with them flitting all around me, closer than an arms length away.
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
We were also treated to our first warbler sightings of the season, seeing both Yellow-rumped and Pine Warblers. Spring migration has all us birders a little twitchy to get out there and see who's arriving!
Yellow-rumped Warbler, aka "butter butts", and you can see why here. |
Pine Warbler |
Dave tells me the Palm Warblers are next to arrive, so maybe we'll see them this coming weekend. Fingers crossed!
As per tradition in my family, our winter hat is set out the Saturday night before Easter Sunday for the Easter Bunny to fill, and he always does.
The goodies the Easter Bunny left for us. |
I baked a chicken for Easter dinner, but before we got around to cleaning up the kitchen we decided to go for an early evening walk in a park close to home. We weren't even out of the car and I spotted a fox Rob had seen earlier in the week.
Thrilled to see this beauty. |
We also enjoyed watching this Belted Kingfisher fly around. |
We also spotted the Easter Bunny while we were driving into the park. How lucky is that, to see the Easter Bunny on Easter! (Not Rob's photo, but our view none the less)
Eastern Cottontail. |
I had booked today off to make it a four day weekend, and met with my friend, Pat, for brunch at one of my favorite local restaurants,
Toast on Bloor. We both enjoyed the Norwegian Eggs Benedict.
My favorite breakfast at Toast on Bloor. |
It was a lovely long weekend and I'm sorry to see it come to an end.