Wishing everyone a great 2017! |
I always take a look back at the year behind me before starting the new one. And I'm always quite surprised at how eventful it was. Yes, some bad stuff happened, but doesn't it always? I try to focus on the good memories, and below is a review of some of the better moments of my 2016.
JANUARY- Rob and I started our 2016 by going birding on new years day because I wanted to hand feed some Chickadees.
Getting that "Chickadee Feeling" was a great start to the new year. |
FEBRUARY- Rob and I finally got back to Algonquin Park for an overnight trip with our friend Dave. Unfortunately Andi (Dave's better half) wasn't able to join us this trip, but we have plans for a do-over in early 2017.
A Gray Jay, always my Algonquin highlight. |
MARCH- Basement renovations finally got underway! Took 3 months, but it looks like a real room again. I flew to Alberta to visit my brother and his family for Easter. We also celebrate my niece, Ashlee's 16th birthday.
Ashlee's 16th birthday. |
APRIL- I took part in a bowl-a-thon for
Toronto Cat Rescue. An organization that helps cats and kittens find good homes in Toronto and the GTA.
I do love bowling, and this was for a good cause. |
Also in April, Merry and Molly celebrated their first birthday.
Never a dull moment at home with these two! |
MAY- Rob and I get to Point Pelee for the first time in 3 years while on vacation. We have a great trip, running into many birding friends, I reconnect with a friend from high school and get my 250th Lifer.
My 250th Lifer! A Kirtland's Warbler...she caused quite a frenzy in the Park. (Rarity for the park) |
JUNE-I turned 47, we take Merry and Molly outside for the first time, and we celebrate our first anniversary with them.
The "Kitty Walk", keeping our cats and the birds safe. |
Our fur babies, before and after 1 year after adopting them. |
Celebrated my 47th birthday at the Woodbine Racetrack with Rob. |
JULY- The highlight of the year for me was having my niece, Ashlee, come and stay a week with us. I had dreamed of her visiting me in Toronto since she was born. It was a busy and fun-filled week. I also attend my gazillionth Def Leppard concert, and Rob and I attend another WWE live event.
Rob, Ashlee and I at Niagara Falls. |
AUGUST- Probably the worst thing to happen all year was me being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left knee. It started bothering me the end of April. After X-rays, a MRI and visits to see an orthopedic surgeon, I was diagnosed the end of June, but it took me until August to accept it. I'm hoping with some lifestyle changes I will not need a new knee cap for a long, long time, if at all.
All taped up after a physio appointment. |
SEPTEMBER- Rob catches up with me in age. We have a week of vacation together and enjoy a lovely 3 night getaway to
Sir Sam's Inn in the Haliburton Highlands.
The view from our room at Sir Sam's. |
OCTOBER- Andi and I attend a lively East Coast Kitchen Party at a pub close to home. It was a lot of fun and we hope to make it a tradition.
Boiled lobster, fiddle music and Keith's beer! |
NOVEMBER- The girls and I celebrate 15 years of our "Girls' Getaway Weekend" at the Briars Resort.
Me with my usual "roomie", Pat. |
DECEMBER- Lots of seasonal fun and festivities with friends and family. Rob and I went "owling" on Christmas Eve, and actually called in an Eastern Screech Owl. That was quite exciting and a first for me!
Can you see the Owl? (no flash used as to not blind the little guy) |
Today, the last day of 2016, we actually visited the same place we did on the first day of 2016...it's those Chickadees!
All in all, it was a pretty good year. Every year is full of ups and downs, and I wish you all more ups than downs in 2017.