Rob enjoying a Moscow Mule on his birthday.
Like everyone who's celebrated a birthday during the pandemic, you make the best of it. And that's what Rob and I did this past Tuesday on his 51st birthday.
We both booked the day off work, so it started off great! He started his day with a nice breakfast and presents. We weren't really sure what we were going to do for the day, but I lucked out, as I had seen a post on Facebook a few days earlier letting me know that Mountsberg Raptor Centre had started a new Raptor experience called Talons and Tailfeathers, perfect for these times. I quickly purchased tickets for his birthday.
It was nice to get back there and see not only some feathered friends, but a human one as well.
Jazz, a beautiful Barn Owl.
Lara holding Jazz who's saying, "Where's your glove Rob?"
The experience takes place in the "flyway", and the birds are flown, perch to perch. We saw a variety of species including a Kestrel, Barn Owl, Broad-winged Hawk and a Harris Hawk. I was also treated to a showing of "Echo", an Eastern Screech Owl.
I'm not going to lie, we missed not being able to hold the birds, but it was still a very enjoyable experience. I noticed different things about them, like their beautiful colouring, flying by so close.
Echo, the Eastern Screech Owl.
Even during these tough times, we must take time to smell the flowers.
We have been doing Raptor Encounters at Mountsberg for over a decade, and this was the first time I did not get to hold Echo, but it was wonderful to see her.
After a great afternoon out we went home for a couple hours and then went to one of our favorite local restaurants,
Toast on Bloor for drinks and dinner.
Celebrating at Toast on Bloor.
We were too full from dinner for more cake at home, but he made a wish.
All in all, I think he had a pretty great birthday! I always joke that I have a great time on his birthday because I always plan it! LOL!!! Here's to making the best of it!