The Gray Jays, a highlight of a winter Algonquin trip. |
On February 10th, Rob and I joined my Cousin Andi, and her husband Dave for an overnight trip to Algonquin Park. We had been trying to do this trip together since 2015. But for various reasons, one or more of us had to cancel. This year our luck held, and for the first time, all four of us got to enjoy the park together.
Dashing through the snow...... |
Was nice to see some Pine Siskins, we don't often. |
Variety of birds at the Visitor Centre Feeders. |
I made a friend on the Spruce Bog Trail. |
Isn't he cute? |
Saying our goodbyes. |
A lifer for all of us, Red Crossbills. Female top, male left. |
Closer look at the male. |
After a fun day in the park we enjoyed a good meal and nights rest at
Spring Lake Resort. Before heading home the next day, we had breakfast and did a bit of shopping at one of my new favorite places to visit when up that way,
The Moose Cafe. It was a good trip, four years in the making!
Click on the year to check out our other Algonquin winter fun;