Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Whatcha mean I'm in the way?
I feel like we are in a real life episode of the "Twilight Zone". I know I don't need to explain myself, as no matter where you are in the world we are all dealing with the same thing, COVID-19. Life is very surreal right now.

This is my second week working from home. I am grateful that I can work from home, but I miss the regular routine. I miss the camaraderie with my team, my weekly lunch at my favorite sushi spot, and the bi-weekly coffee/tea social with co-workers. I do go into the office one day a week, but nothing feels the same right now. 

Even though I am working from home four days a week, I am trying to maintain my "normal" schedule. I still get up at the same time, I get ready for work like I would if I was going into the office, and when it's that time that I would normally leave to catch the bus, I leave the house and walk around the block three times before I come back into the house and login to work. Rob jokingly refers to this as my daily walk to work. I need to do this for my mental health. 

And then there is the worry. I worry every time Rob goes to work that he practices physical distancing, I worry about my Father in Nova Scotia who is in his 80's, has health issues and lives alone, I worry for my friends who are trying to balance working at home and caring for their children, I worry for my friends who have lost their jobs and have financial stress, I worry about having an unexpected health or dental emergency during this time. I know worrying about things I can't control is a waste of time, but it's hard not to.

I know this situation is not forever, and I need to keep reminding myself of that and role with whatever comes my way.

Excuse me Molly, but I need that mouse.
Even in all this darkness I find myself looking for the daily bright spots. Our pets are thrilled to have us home so much, it's nice to have lunch every day with Rob before he leaves for work. I look forward to the 7:30pm neighborhood nightly hand clap for health care workers and those few minutes of across the street chat with neighbors.

Our decorated door.
I asked my friends children to draw some pictures for our front door as part of the neighborhood window walk. It's nice to see the children's artwork in the windows and on the front doors when out for a walk.

I love Facetime!
I had a Facetime coffee date with my niece last Friday and we have another one scheduled for this Friday.

I feel a little bit of normalcy on the weekends, as Rob and I pretty much kept to ourselves anyway, but I know we are both looking forward to those things we all took for granted before; get togethers with friends, going to our favorite restaurants, holiday meals with family and shopping when and where we want. 

I know we will get there. We are all in this together. Reach out to friends and family when you need to, try to do something daily for your physical and mental health. Better times are coming. 

My new temporary work space.