It's become a New Years Day tradition for us to go birding, if the weather cooperates, and thankfully this year it did.
In the early morning hours, while a lot of people were still in bed recovering from the previous nights festivities, Rob and I were walking around Cranberry Marsh near Whitby, Ontario enjoying our feathered friends.
We saw many species of birds that day; Cardinals, Downy Woodpeckers, a Brown Creeper, Mourning Doves, Blue Jays, White Breasted Nuthatches, different types of Sparrows, Gold Finches, and of course, the very friendly Chickadees.
I've posted a few of our favorite pictures from our outing for you to enjoy. It was a wonderful way for us to start the new year!

Double Trouble, two chickadees enjoy the seed from my hand.

You can see here how "friendly" the little guys are! This is a shot of one of my hands and one of Rob's, and the Chickadees were constant visitors for seed.
We got the idea to put seed on our hats from another birder, and as you can see, it worked!

We thought the colour contrast between the dogwood bush and the pine trees was beautiful.

A White Breasted Nuthatch enjoys seed from Rob's hand.

I love the feeling of having this little guy land in my hand for seed.

Rob took this beautiful shot of the Chickadee in the pine tree.

A Blue Jay joins us for a peanut.
That's really cool! Now I see what you mean about them pecking at your head.
Did any poop on you?
No, that would of been bad manners!
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