Saturday, September 11, 2010


Fresh made cotton candy!

Last Sunday, Rob and I went to the Canadian National Exhibition. Neither one of us had been in years, and never together. We went for the whole day and had a great time. There are so many shows and exhibits included in your price of admission that it really is a great deal, and you certainly can't see everything in a day. Below are some of the pictures taken on our fun filled day at the Ex!

Baby lambs at the farm exhibit.

Harley, the Great Horned Owl was part of the "Birds of Prey" show put on daily by the Canadian Raptor Conservancy organization.

The "must try" at the ex this year, deep fried butter!

"Rock on Ice", figure skating and acrobatics to rock music performed by a live band.

Musical influenced sand sculpture.

Finally got my "Bloomin Onion" I'd been craving all summer.

The highlight of the day, the "Snow Birds!"


Unknown said...

The cotton candy looks tempting and a taste might be wonderful ... but the blooming onion makes my mouth water endlessly!!! Glad you had such a great day sharing all the experiences of the CNE with Rob!

Teena in Toronto said...

We didn't get to the EX this year so it was fun to live vicariously through you.

I love visiting the baby animals :)