Thursday, December 1, 2011


Our Christmas Tree, 2010.

December is one of my favorite months of the year, and I love turning the calendar page every December 1st. I can actually feel the energy in the air change when the energetic holiday season arrives.

I aim every year to have all my gifts bought, and parcels and cards mailed by this date, so I can relax and enjoy all the festivities of the season.

Oh, I know there are a lot of people who complain about the "commercialism" of Christmas, but my take on that is, you don't have to get caught up in that if you don't choose too, and I don't. I don't buy gifts because I feel I have too, I do so because I want too. The same goes for mailing cards, I want too.

For me Christmas isn't just a day, but it's the whole holiday season. I know about the birth of Jesus on Christmas day, but that isn't why I celebrate, and most of the traditions celebrated at this time of year have nothing to do with that famous birth, and date back to Pagan times, including Christmas trees, lights, etc. Not to mention all the other holidays celebrated by other cultures this time of year. But this post isn't about why you choose to celebrate or not, it's about why I love the season, so back to that.

I love all the socializing, pretty lights and Christmas traditions that I carry on from my childhood and the new ones Rob and I have started together.

Really, when it comes down to it, the season for me is about love.
It really is the one time of the year that people make the effort to spend time with friends, and family that they love, especially those that they may not see often enough.

Whether your sharing the season with your friends and family or donating time or money to the less fortunate. Love, tis the season, and I think Jesus would be just fine with that.