Saturday, October 25, 2014


Dancing with my Dad!
The older I get the more I realize what's truly important in life. It's not how much money you have or your material processions, it's those special moments with loved ones.

Moments and memories that you will think back on that will make you smile and laugh and that you'll talk about for years to come that truly make your life rich.

I had a weekend like that last weekend, when Rob and I drove to Gananoque for my Uncle Bobby's 65th birthday/retirement party. My Dad, and my Aunt Betty and Uncle Dennis had drove up from Nova Scotia. We all had a great time at the party and I got to bank some more of those priceless memories.

Me with my Uncle Bobby.
Rob and I enjoying the fun at the party.
Quote of the night "He sure is a spry ole' bugger" - Rob, talking about my Dad.

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