Sunday, September 16, 2018


Enjoying a fruity drink at Taste of the Kingsway. 
On Saturday, September 8th, Rob and I attended "Taste of the Kingsway" for the first time. But it wasn't the possibility of enjoying some delicious food that had us going, it was the opportunity to listen to some great, live rock n roll.

We haven't been out to see live music together in years. My body is so adjusted to my early mornings for work, I have a hard time staying up past 10pm. (Hey, I'm up at 4:30am week days for work, WITHOUT an alarm clock!) When I go to concerts now I usually take 2 days off work, the day of, and the one after to recover. LOL! So, when I found out Destroyer was playing a 90 minute set, starting at 4:00pm, I knew we had to be there! (Destroyer is a leading Kiss tribute band, if you didn't click on the link)

We arrived around 3pm, walked around the festival to check out all the vendors, and then made our way to the stage area where Destroyer would be playing.

Rob makes furry friends where ever he goes.
We had great views for the show
We enjoyed a couple craft beers from Great Lakes Brewery while watching the show.


They put on a great show!
We had an absolute blast! Looking forward to seeing them again in the future.

Copied from Destroyer Facebook page.
 Oh, and the food, worth going for that too, we took home some cannoli's and perogies.

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