Sunday, June 23, 2024



Lemon Meringue Birthday Cake! 
After Covid lock-downs, illness, and surgery messing up the annual birthday celebration the last four years, it was great to get back to normal this year. My cousin Andi's birthday is three days before mine, and we both look forward to celebrating together, as we have been doing for over a decade now.  

The staples of our yearly birthday get together are cake, lobster, and wine. This year the seafood was ordered from our home province of Nova Scotia via Clear Water Seafood, and we both ordered some extra goodies for the freezer.

Mussels to start.

The main course! 

Cheers Cousin!

My cake for my actual birthday.
Last year my cousin celebrated a milestone birthday, and a milestone birthday calls for a spectacular cake! I have taken care of the cake every year except my 50th.We celebrated in July due to my ongoing recovery, but it was worth the wait. 

Milestone birthday celebration in July 2023.
Here's to many more birthday celebrations together. 


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