Yesterday our love of birds and bird watching reached a new level when we went out with an organized group for the first time.
We found out about the free outing through a flyer posted at the bird store we visit weekly for supplies or a good bird chat. The walks are taking place on Mon. and Wed. through the month of June at 7:30AM and last about 2 hours. We were in the store on Tues. and are on our last week of holidays, so yesterday was the only day we could go this month, we even gave up tickets to go see "We Will Rock You" because we knew we'd have to be up early and well rested to enjoy the bird outing.
It was so worth getting out of bed early for! We met about 14 others and were led through an area of Riverwood Conservancy in Mississauga by a birding expert. We saw many different species, more then we ever had in one outing and learned many new things.
We enjoyed it so much we plan on going back in September when they have organized walks again on Wednesday afternoons and are even looking into joining a birding club.
I've posted three pictures of some birds I saw yesterday for the first time. I didn't take these pictures, I was enjoying them with my eye yesterday, not watching through a lens.

Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I actually gasped when I saw him!

Common-Yellowthroat. A type of warbler.
American Redstart. I believe I saw one of these when I was in PEI two summers ago, but got a much better look yesterday.
That's cool that you've found others like yourselves to hang with :)
Beautiful birds. I have 'boring" brown ones on my blog ATM
We do have pretty ones in UK but not around here LOL
That male RBG is a truly gorgeous guy! :)
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