A "Life List" is something most birders have, a list of all the birds they have seen in their lifetime. Rob and I have talked about doing one for years, but still haven't gotten around to actually doing it. I imagine we're well into the hundreds now, of the various species of birds we've seen.
When I go birding it's more about what the day will bring, what we'll see, and not if I get to add a bird to a list, but still, there is always something special about those "firsts", like the first time a chickadee landed in my hand for seed, or last year off the coast of Nova Scotia when there were Puffins, that I was seeing for the first time, flying all around the boat I was on, those are magical moments.
I had another of those moments last Saturday, April 24th, 2010, when walking around a park just outside of Oshawa I happened to look up into a tall pine tree and see for the first time a Great Horned Owl peacefully sleeping the day away. It was a "Oh my God" moment as I stared in awe at this majestic creature.
On the same day, in the same park, we also ran into a friendly birder who pointed out to us a Winter Wren. We had never seen one before and were delighted when the Wren came out in clear view and sang us a song like he was waiting for an audience.
We never know what we're going to see when we head out on our birding trips but we're never disappointed.

Wowsa! Once again, I'm in awe of your photos!!
It's amazing the amount of birds out there.
great photos
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