Sunday, April 29, 2012


                                 Male Ringed-neck Duck, a lifer for both Rob and I.

My absolutely favorite thing to do on Sunday morning is to go for breakfast or brunch, followed by a good, long, birding walk, and today we did just that.

This morning we met our good friends bright and early at Cora's for a hearty breakfast before heading off to Etobicoke Creek Park, which I call "Pat's Park" as it's so close to her home. We all enjoyed the two hour plus walk and had many bird sightings. The highlight for all of us was watching a couple Kingfishers, which we had a few sightings of, and Rob and I getting a "lifer" (first time seeing a new species) with a Ringed-necked Duck. It's hard to see in this picture, but he has a red coloured ring around his neck. He is one funky looking duck! Click on the picture to enlarge it so you can see the amazing markings on his bill. Mother Nature did a marvelous job with this one!

We also enjoyed watching a couple Kingfishers fly around.

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