Saturday, December 14, 2013


Christmas card from Mom & Dad, 1989.

What an absolute joy it was to find this card this morning! I had been thinking about it all week.

This is the second Christmas without Mom, and even though I love this time of year, it's a little sad too. This Christmas card is special to me. It's the one she bought for me my first year away from home for Christmas. It was 1989 and I was spending Christmas with my brother in Toronto, in our new apartment. I had left Nova Scotia in March of that year to live in Toronto, Ontario.

I remember Mom had a difficult time getting into the holiday spirit that year without any of her children home. And I remember her telling me that this card really spoke to her, as it reminded her of Christmas pasts.

I'm not a pack rat, and I don't keep a lot of things, but I am so happy that I kept this, and I will treasure it every Christmas.  

Click to enlarge and read.

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