Thursday, April 16, 2015


Meadow 2003 - 2015
It's been almost a week since we had to say goodbye, or as I like to think, until we meet again. It's been rough on us, the sadness is heavy. So many firsts to get through without you, and so many more yet to come. 

I still expect you to come meet me when I get home from work, looking for your supper. I find myself looking on the beds for you. A few times I've caught myself going to give you fresh water or cleaning your litter pan. Your dishes are still out, we find it a comfort to still see them in their usual spot.

Your "daddy" misses you terribly and it makes my heart ache even more. I know you two had a very special bond, the type of bond that can't be broken, not even in death. I was always happy to be your second most favorite human. Oh Meadow, we did have a time, didn't we? I wish it could of been longer, but you were suffering, and we did what was best for you, even though it broke our hearts to do so.

Thank you for all the joy, laughs, and love you gave us. We have a heart full of memories to carry us through, until we meet again.

Having a grand time outside.
I will miss her assistance with the cooking and baking.
She loved this spot in the upstairs window.
Everyone's favorite shot! She loved this flowering bush in the backyard.
Enjoying another sunny afternoon in the backyard.
Even Meadow took time to stop and smell the flowers.
Rob and Meadow on Xmas Eve 2014, she was purring the whole time.
Xmas Eve 2013, I love the peacefulness of this picture.

And lastly, my favorite shot of us. Rob was able to capture this special moment between us during the Christmas season 2010 after we had finished decorating the tree.

 I miss you Fuzzy Butt.

I've done other blogs on Meadow over the years, a few of them are links below. Enjpy.

Princess Meadow - Feb. 2009

Meadow and Me - August 2012

Valentine's Day - Feb. 2013

Stop and Smell the Flowers - June 2013

Happy 10th Birthday Meadow - July 2013

Meadow's Mouser Side - January 2014

Princess Grumpy Wins a Prize! - November 2014


WendyCarole said...

I am so sorry to hear about Meadow. I have been through this and know just how you feel. xxx

WendyCarole said...

So sorry to hear about Meadow. I know how you feel.

Teena in Toronto said...

I'm sorry about Meadow.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Angie,

I'm sorry to learn about your loss. I wondered if you might be able to contact me about a photo of a red-breasted kinglet. I think perhaps either you or your husband took the photograph. I'm interested to learn whether I can get your permission for an artist to use it as reference for a painting. I tried to reach you at your e-mail address, but the e-mail bounced back as undeliverable.

Thank you!
Michael Owens

Angie in T.O. said...

Michael, you can email us at