Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Lobster statue at the Halifax airport.
The last few weeks have been busy, busy, busy, including a whirlwind trip to Nova Scotia to spend Thanksgiving weekend with my Dad and visit some family and friends.

I now feel like I can slow down and catch my breath. Lots of R & R in my future though, annual girlfriends weekend this coming weekend and Rob and I are off the first week of November to spend some quality time together at home.

Please enjoy a few photos taken during the last couple weeks.

I always enjoy a feed or two of deep fried clams when down home.
Rub the budda belly for good luck!
Lots of Blue Jays in the yard this time of year.
Almost 6 months old, Merry & Molly keep us on our toes on a daily basis.
I was so excited when it snowed last Sunday I ran outside in my housework clothes! 

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